February 14, 2023
Vlastimil Vodička

Track past customers who moved to new job

Improve your business strategy with Pipebooster by keeping track of clients. Get expert insights on what to track and how to set up a client management process.

Track past customers

In the fast-paced world of client management, providing a seamless customer experience requires staying updated about pertinent information concerning your customers. Pipebooster.io is a game-changer, making it effortless to find LinkedIn profiles and track customer job changes. You can optimize your sales and marketing efforts by using customer insights gleaned from their LinkedIn activities, taking customer engagement to new heights. This becomes especially useful when you need to keep track of clients' career progression, and other personal and professional milestones. Pipebooster.io serves as an indispensable tool for tracking your clients and their customer interactions, ensuring that your CRM remains up-to-date with accurate customer information. With valuable tools like Pipebooster.io at your disposal, you can enhance your business relationships and maintain a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market.

The problem

Getting new customers is a top priority for companies, and they spend a lot of time and money to generate a new pipeline of business opportunities. But when customers move to a new company, sales often lose touch with them.

These former customers, known as "product alumni", have a valuable understanding of your service or product and are more likely to buy again or introduce you to their new company.

The manual process of finding job changes is time-consuming

The best salespeople check their customers for job changes on LinkedIn. But this is a very time-consuming job. They have to think about checking their customer’s Linkedin profiles on a regular basis and do it all by themselves. It takes a lot of work to keep track of all their customer job changes, but it's very important for making sales. It is one of the most powerful things they can do to make sales because they get more likely responses from customers that already know them.

And it's not just about finding out the right Linkedin profile and checking where their customers went, but also finding their valid working email address, updating all the new details CRM, and writing a well-personalized email.

Timing matters

It's very important to do all of this as soon as possible, especially within the first three months at the new company. If you find out too late that your customer has moved, it can hurt your business. Your competitors might get ahead of you or you might lose the customer completely.

There is an easier way to keep track of all your customers and their new jobs! 

Introducing Pipebooster.io, the best way to make sure you never miss a beat. 

With just a few clicks, Pipebooster.io finds the right LinkedIn profile URLs just from first names, last names and companies names. Then visit each LinkedIn profile and compare old records in your database with the current job, title, and email of each person. All in real-time.

The Benefits of Using Pipebooster for customer tracking:

  • Automatically enriches customer data with correct LinkedIn profiles
  • Keeps track of customer job changes in real-time
  • Updates contacts and generates leads directly into CRM 
  • Easy to use and start using right away without a need for lengthy implementation or onboarding
  • Self-service platform with flexible options to connect with all the tools you already use via Zapier
  • Direct integration with Hubspot, Salesforce and Pipedrive
  • You can start using Pipebooster also without a CRM (supports Excel or Google Sheets)
  • Writes personalized outreach messages that look and feel real
  • Offers a free trial

You can track all your customers all the time. If you connect your CRM, Pipebooster will generate new leads in your pipeline. And if you connect your email, Pipebooster will even write emails for you that look and feel like they're from a real person.

Pipebooster is super easy to use! You don't need to talk to a salesperson or spend a long time setting it up. You can start using it right away. And you don't even have to learn a new tool, nor leave your CRM! Pipebooster can work in the background and keep everything up to date for you. 

And the best part? You can start using it for free! 

It's different from other tools because it always looks for job changes and the latest information in real-time. You can even check your customers every week! 


Also, it is not limited only to one large CRM environment. You don’t need to use CRM at all - you can work with your contacts list in  Excel or Google Sheets. Additionally, through our Zapier integration, it connects with all the tools you already use. So it's like having a helper that works with everything you already have!


What is a customer tracking system?

A customer tracking system, commonly referred to as customer relationship management (CRM), is a way to track, integrate, and manage all interactions between a business and its customers. This innovative tool empowers business owners to streamline their client relationships ensuring efficient communication and swift problem-solving. CRMs play a significant role in enhancing customer satisfaction and boosting business profitability.

What is the best way to keep track of clients?

Understanding and optimizing the customer journey is crucial for businesses to maintain long-lasting relationships. The best way to keep track of clients involves utilizing a multifaceted approach, combining a tool like a CRM software or funnel system, targeted email marketing strategies, and fostering strong communication between the sales team and clients. This comprehensive method will enable businesses to monitor progress, enhance the overall client experience, and drive sustainable growth.


In conclusion, Pipebooster offers the best customer tracking solution to help you keep up with all your client information changes. With just a few taps, you can start filling in missing Linkedin profile URLs and regularly track where your customers are working. This feature allows you to provide excellent customer support by staying up-to-date with your customers' professional lives.

Using Pipebooster, you can easily track your customers and their changing job positions, making it easier for you to stay connected with them. Our customer tracking software is the best in the market, and customers are seeing amazing results. Some of our clients were having trouble getting new sales, but with Pipebooster, their calendars are now full of meetings with new colleagues of past clients who are three times more likely to buy.

In summary, if you want to provide the best customer support and stay up-to-date with your clients, then Pipebooster is the perfect solution for you. You can start using it right away and experience the benefits of easy and efficient customer tracking.

About the author
Vlastimil Vodička
Vlastimil Vodička

CEO of Leadspicker

Vlastimil Vodicka is a startup founder with a Venture Capital background. In recent years, with his co-founder, he has built a technology startup that Deloitte has recognized as the 16th fastest-growing technology company in the Central European Deloitte Fast 50 2019 program. After having bootstrapped and earned the first million dollars themselves, Leadspicker landed $2 million in seed funding from Reflex Capital and J&T Ventures.

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